DIY: Pom Poms

By Libbie Summers
Assisted by David Dempsey

Between decorating parties, cake tops, rooms, packages, dogs and clothing, I’ve made more pom poms than I could possibly remember. Below is the hand wrapping method for making a pom pom that I teach everyone who works with me. Between the last three assistants (Anna, Candace and David), none of them could make a pom pom when they started. Now…they are all experts…and probably never want to make another one again! 

Hand Pom Poms:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
1 skien of yarn (the thicker the yarn, the fluffier the pom pom)
1 pair sharp scissors

Step 1:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
Begin by wrapping yarn around four fingers, about 60 times.

Step 2:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
After you’ve wrapped a thick amount, leave a bit of slack and cut a piece off (about 8-inches long)

Step 3:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
Remove yarn from your fingers and tie tightly using the piece you cut off.

Step 4:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
Using your scissors, cut through the loops you’ve created by tying the yarn through the middle.

Step 5:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
Now is when the magic happens. Clean up your circle shape by trimming your yarn. For a tight pom pom, you’ll be trimming off quite a bit.

When finished you’ll have something like this:
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft
The possibilities for usage are infinite!!!
DIY, Libbie Summers, How To, Pom Pom, Craft


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